Shari HarveyMar 16, 20213 min readOccupational Therapy - Play is the #1 OccupationMy name is Shari Harvey. I am a Pediatric Occupational Therapist that had the pleasure of working with Bella Grace and her family for...
Rhonda YarringtonFeb 28, 20211 min readRare Disease Day 2021Today on Rare Disease Day 2021 I would like to take a minute to point out just how rare Bella Grace truly was. Trisomy 18, which is a...
Rhonda YarringtonFeb 12, 20212 min readIt's Tubie Time! Feeding Tube Awareness WeekIt is Feeding Tube Awareness Week. There are nearly half a million people in the US with feeding tubes, two hundred thousand of those are...